New Thomas the Train shirt from Santa

Train sets and tracks from Santa that Daddy has to put up in the living room, but were taken down and put back up in Cale's room later.

Jade amungst all the toys

New Thomas the Train pillow

The aftermath

In the middle

At the beginning

Rylee and Uncle Jon

Osh Kosh b'Gosh over alls from Mike and Krisanne

More train engines

Uncle Mike took a picture of trains in Janesville and had it framed. The only colored part is the yellow. Krisanne helped too by putting in the Thomas decorations!

Rylee's new puzzle

Rylee's new favorite shirt

Grandma J and Cale Xmas Eve

Loves black olives

New Tonka Dump Truck from Great Uncle Jim

Airplane from Grandma J

Thomas the Train book from Great Grandma

More trains for the Thomas set


Cale in front of the tree at home