Not too much new this week. Trying to work with Cale on potty training. He really has no interest in it. I ask him if he wants to use the big boy potty and he says yes, then he cries when I put him on the toilet. He has peed in the toilet once and I thought for sure it was the beginning of something. Nope. He's content to sit in a wet and dirty diaper right now. Any suggestions??
Our poor car is going to need an overhaul soon. It needs shocks and struts we believe, and the transmission cooler lines going into the radiator are leaking and it looks like the only way to fix that is to replace the radiator. Gotta love owning older vehicles. And, we need to figure out a car/truck situation for Jon. He really shouldn't be driving Cale around in the front seat of his truck, even though the air bags are turned off. There is never enough money to solve all of life's problems!
Good news though, I'm starting to exercise again. I haven't really done much the past few months and I can tell and so can the scale! Off to Zumba classes on Wed nights with a friend. Also, we might buy a 3 month gym membership for only $20/each. It's a fundraiser through a girl at work. Might be good for both Jon and I to do something like that for us.