Having fun in the pool!

We went to Indiana last weekend for a visit. It was nice! The trip down went pretty fast and the road construction didn't slow us down that much. Cale was spoiled rotten of course, but I'm pretty sure that's part of the grandparent code, spoiling grandkids. :)
G-mama and Grandpa bought Cale a new swimming pool because the old one they had, had a hole in it. He loved it!! We threw his monster trucks and cars in it and then it was a game. In, out, in, out, in, out, run around, in, out, run around, in out, in out. You get the point.
We went to a park as well. It was getting pretty warm so we didn't stay long.
G-mama and Grandpa bought Cale his birthday gift while we were there too. John Deere tractor and trailer! Oh boy we heard about this tractor and trailer for 3 days, until we were able to get home and have Jon put it together. Cale was sooooooooo very excited to see it all together tonight in our driveway! He loves it!