Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween ~ 2010

L to R - little pumpkin from day care (crying face because Cale wouldn't help out), medium pumpkin from train ride with Great Aunt Diana and Grandma Nightengale, Jon's pumpkin, and mine is the big fat smiley face
All lit up!

Cale before the guts needed to come out.
Coloring last weekend - pretty sure he's going to be a lefty.


Squirrel outside the house last weekend. He's sitting in his little chair eating his corn.

Lexy! She's still got some growing to do, but we think she'll be as tall as China.

Jon and Lexy.

I'm going to try to make this quick since it's late evening here and about time for bed.

Work is getting busier for me. We are switching our new plant over to our computer system this weekend. I'm on call all weekend, which means, once the system is up and running, I will be called in to enter orders. It's out in PA and they pack frozen veggies and fruit. I'm going to be the customer service rep for this location now. Exciting and scary all at once. Means a lot of long hours for the next month or so!

We carved pumpkins last night. I thought for sure Cale would dig right in and help out. NOPE! He cried and screamed and gagged. I think the smell got to him. It was funny to watch though! Heidi and Jason came over and helped Jon carve the pumpkins while I cleaned off the seeds and roasted them.

Today, while waiting to be called into work, we did a lot of cleaning and laundry. Then, this evening, Kristie and my new project was delivered to the farm. Her name is Lexy and she's a 3 year old registered paint mare. We went up past Green Bay last weekend to pick her up and she wouldn't load in the trailer. Her owners brought her down today for us. She was given to us, in hopes to train her and find her a good home. She's our project over the winter. She's got a long road ahead of her.

Tomorrow night, we are heading out to Heidi and Jason's neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating with Wyatt, Josh, and Charisse. Should be fun!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Fun

Just a quick note.

We had another busy weekend! Jon got to go drag racing with some friends on Saturday and Cale and I went down to watch for a couple of hours. It's fun but a 3 year old could really care less. He watched but would have rather run around and be crazy. On the way home, Cale and I stopped at the Apple Hut for apples and then ran to Grandma N's for pumpkin patch pictures.

When we got home, Cale and I decided to rake leaves and play in them.

Sunday, I rode China, of course, and Jon worked on his bike and the garage.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sorry it's been so long~

Some trees by my parent's house this past weekend. The colors have been great this year!
Cale's art project from the other day. He really didn't want to wear it, but I had to take a picture!

One night he's sleeping and his leg is stuck up in the air, under his blanket. SOUND ASLEEP! It was too funny!

The leg under the blanket.

Life sure gets busy sometimes! Things are picking up at work so I've been going in earlier and staying later. That means, getting home later and trying to cram in as much as possible every night. Sorry to be slacking on the blog posting. I'll try to keep up better!

Cale is fully potty trained now, except for at night, which the doctor said is normal. Cale went for his 3 yr appt afew weeks ago. He's 38 3/4 inches and 32.6 lbs. He's now 68% for height and 51% for weight. He's starting to slow down on the growing and catch up on the weight. All is good! The doctor was amazed at his articulation. She said most kids his age you understand 60% of what they say and we are at about 90%.

And, at day care, they do activity time now where they learn the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes. Nancy has to tell him NOT to answer because he knows all of it. She wants the other kids to get a chance to learn something. It's funny! On the down side of having such a smart kid, he's a little sassy and bossy at times. I've been really working with him at night when he's getting bossy or not listening. I think it's been helping. I hope so, at least!

Grandma N & Great Aunt Diana took Cale to Little America in Marshall last weekend. Jon was in a car/bike show and I went riding in Albany. Cale got to ride a train and pick out a pumpkin. I know this because that's all he's talked about all week so far. :) At least we know he had a good time!

Halloween is coming up quick! I'm excited. I love Halloween and I love that we can take him trick-o-treating. I want to take him to a pumpkin patch but our weekends are numbered and not sure if it's going to happen this year. Maybe next weekend.....
Oh! And China and I had our pictures taken by an aspiring photographer this last weekend. He's a friend of ours who is trying to put together a side business and wanted to expand his portfolio. It was a ton of fun and we got some good pictures too! I'll share them as soon as I get copies!