This is Tucker - he's a 17 hand Quarter Horse. My friend, Crystal, let me ride him a few weeks ago. Once Lexy is sold this spring/summer, I'm going to work on Tucker for Crystal.

Jonas driving Lexy at the extended/fast trot.
Sorry for the lack of posts/blogs lately!!
Our computer died a few weeks ago and we got a new one now. But, in the mean time, things have been kind of hectic.
China was injured 2 weekends ago and I've been dealing with that. Plus, Cale has decided to test every limit possible. Cale has become very whiny and not listening. We have to tell him multiple times to do something. Sometimes he'll say "I don't want to" or "Maybe later". Or he'll start to fake cry/whine if we tell him to do something he doesn't like, like eat dinner or pick up toys. It's been a constant struggle. Many time outs and toys taken away.
Oh, and he's getting sick again too. That's the icing on the cake. Hopefully this cold is the last one for awhile. He does have his good moments mixed in with the bad, but it seems like the bad are increasing! Hoping this is just a phase he's going through.
Last weekend, Jon had a meeting so Cale came to the farm with me. He thought it was fun to play in China's bedding in her stall. Don't worry, I had cleaned out all of the poop first. :) He's got some trucks out there and was burying them in the bedding. That kept him entertained for awhile. He got to ride China too. I put her saddle on and tied him into it - I took a lead rope and attached it to part of the saddle and looped it loosily around him, kind of like a seat belt. He didn't need it. He held on to the saddle horn and told me where to lead China. I even 'ran' (trotted) her so he felt like he was going fast. It was fun! China is really good with him. It's fun to watch her look at him. She brings her head down to his level to smell him and to let him pet her face. She doesn't do that for everyone. She even stands still when he's around. He could be jumping up and down, screaming and hooting and she won't do anything. She'll turn her head but won't move her feet. I'm reall proud of her for being so good for him. And, Cale really likes the horses. I'm glad he's not afraid of them. I think it's probably because he's seen them ever since he's been born.
What else is new??? Hmmmmm....Tomorrow is April 5th and it's a day to vote here in WI. A very big day at the poles, considering about half the state does not like the current Govenor and his cabinet.
Jon may have to work first shift. Someone is trying to bump him. I know it seems ideal but it would cost us a heck of a lot more money if it happened. Jon's in a car pool right now and only drives 1 week a month. If he goes first shift, he'll be driving every day. Today, the cheap gas was $3.69/gallon. That's a lot of money, on top of a wage cut starting in May. Hopefully, they can find a way to keep him on 2nd for now.