Saturday, February 25, 2012


I took China and Willow to the vet on Monday for vaccinations. Both did great!! My large animal vet really likes Willow. He says the same things about her as he does about China - quiet and kind eye. Very nice to hear!

Back at the barn. I was trying to get side by side pictures to show how big Willow is getting, compared to China. Didn't work out the way I wanted.


Cale tonight after a long day. He really needs his hair cut! Soon! Hoping tomorrow or Monday night at the latest. He is getting over an ear infection and cold. We are really tired of having a sick kid. Seems like he's had something all winter.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kobe in Jade's bed - doesn't matter where we move it, he normally ends up in Jade's bed, instead of his own. But, in the bedroom, he stays in his own bed. I don't get it.

Friday night, Kobe got a foam bath again. He loves it. It's a big massage for him and then he gets to be 'naked' (without harness) for a couple of hours.

Cale swinging at the park a couple of weekends ago. He's learning how to pump the swing with his own legs.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Kobe had surgery yesterday to repair his wrist. New ligaments in place and now recovery for 8 weeks or more. The white patch on his hip is shaved and there is a pain patch there for a few days.

He looks sad in this picture but he really was pretty active tonight.

Kobe chewing on his new bone from some friends. It'll keep him busy for awhile. We don't let him chew on it for very long and we are always around.

Cale and me on China last weekend. Cale is in his own little pad called a buddy pad. It has stirups for him and attaches to my saddle. There is padding to hold him in place and a handle for him to grab on to for support.

Little Willow last weekend, as well. She's getting so big! She is already the size of a small horse at 10 months old. She's growing so quickly!! I have to get her a new halter soon.

Sledding with China a couple of weeks ago, when we still had snow.

Jon and Cale in the sled.

Cale in the sled by himself - screaming GO FASTER MOMMA!!!