In case you haven't heard, Jon will be laid off May 1st. We assume it's a permanent lay off and are trying to figure out how we are going to pay our bills. We might loose our house and default on some loans and credit cards. It's not a fun time around our house lately, lots of tears and worry. I have applied at over 12 different jobs in the past 5 days. I'm still looking and doing everything I can to get a full time job w/benefits. We will loose our healthcare once Jon is laid off.
We are trying to sell a few things to pay off some bills right now too. We each have trailers up for sale and are trying to figure out what else we have that someone might want to buy.
What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?!?!?!?!
Other than that, we are doing well. Cale is still teething, working on molars. He is more talkative and outgoing each day! It's great to see. Hope all is well!
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