Not too much new to report here. Jon's been working with a friend this week installing windows in a house. I've been in training at work for another computer system. Nothing like teaching you a job one way then then teaching you another way 4 weeks later. It was a bit frustrating today but the good news is that I didn't give up and I did learn a few things. There's always tomorrow to learn more.
Cale is talking up a storm these days. Since he pretty much repeats everything we say now, we've been working on counting and the alphabet. He's so stinking smart! He's not even 2 yet and the things he understands and can say.....and do......He can count from 6 to 10 by himself. He can do one and two as well but 3 thru 5 he still needs help. The alphabet, he repeats what we say. I know each parent is proud of their child and thinks their child is so smart, but honestly, Cale is really smart! He's going to be smarter than Jon and me by 5 years old! Ha ha!
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