Our computer decided to be difficult for a few days but seems to be working for the most part now.....
We had a nice holiday weekend. Friday, I got to ride China so I was a happy camper. Friday night, Jon helped friends get ready for a party so Cale and I went shopping. Saturday, we went to 3 parties. Yes, that's right 3. It really wasn't so bad. Cale handled them all really well. We didn't get to see any fireworks though. Sunday, Jon went drag racing so Cale and I went with Grandma Nightengale shopping for big guy birthday gifts. Looks like someone is going to get spoiled again this year.
All last week, I worked 12 hour days at Seneca. We switched to a new computer system and things were bad. Ugh. I've done enough computer conversions in my life to never want to do another one ever again. I don't know if this one or the last one at Lab was worse. It's a toss up. Things seem to be getting better, but tomrrow is another day.
As for the pictures, Cale likes to play in blankets lately. Peek A Boo for the most part, or he runs around the house trailing the blanket. It's funny to watch. He is growing like a weed and talking more than any 2 year old that I've ever heard. He talks better than some 3 year olds. Yes, I'm biased, but honestly, the things this kid can say and understand is amazing.
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