Not too much new to report.
This week was busy at work, so Jon and Cale spent a lot of time together. Hopefully this next week won't be as busy. I'd like to spend more than 2 hours a day with them. And hopefully, we hear positive news from Sub Z soon too, or any other place Jon has applied.
Grandma N took Cale and I to the Apple Hut in Beloit today. That was fun. The apple donuts made fresh are amazing! The apples are pretty good too. We'll be hitting Skelly's farm in a couple of weeks. Watch for the pictures from there! Cale had a blast last year when we took him. This year should be even more fun for him!
Jade seems to be adjusting well without Broc. I was worried about her at first. She used to chew on bones all the time when Broc was around but she stopped once Broc wasn't here. Last night, she grabbed one of the new ones I got her and started chewing again. That made me happy. I know it's not that big of a deal but to me, it means she's ok and moving on. And honestly, if we didn't have Jade, I'd be a basket case. Jade has made this greaving process a lot easier. I still miss Broc every day and if I think of her for too long, I cry, but having happy Jade around makes things a lot easier. She's a great little dog.