This post is not dedicated to Cale or us right now. It's a bit sadder as one of our family members pasted away this week. We had Broc a little over 7 years and thought for sure we'd have her a few more. But, her time came to pass to the Rainbow Bridge.
They think she had internal bleeding somewhere but never got to find out the cause because she was too weak. We debated what was best for her treatment wise with the vet and ultimately, Broc made the decision for us and quit breathing on her own.
The vet clinic that had her in the end was in Middleton, WI. They were very knowledgeable and helpful when making our decisions. They were also nice enough to make a clay plaque with Broc's paw print in it.
It's quiet around here without her, she wasn't a loud dog, but her presence was always known. We'll all miss her for a very long time......She was truly a best friend to me and she gave the best hugs when I needed them. No dog will ever come close to replacing her; Broccoli has a very special place in my heart reserved for only her.
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