Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Play Dough

China's new show halter
China's new saddle!!!!! Well new to us, it's from 1994. I just found that out tonight!

Sydney watching everything Kristie ate, in case she dropped something. It was so funny to watch!

Uncle Mike, Aunt Krisanne, and Cousin Rylee gave Cale Play Dough for Christmas. We finally decided to play with it. We had so much fun that we played right through dinner! Opps!

On top of loving Play Dough, Cale is really loving puzzles. He was sent money for Valentine's Day from Grandma & Ppa and Great Aunt Nancy, so we went shopping last night for new puzzles. The dollar store had a lot! We picked up 4 new puzzles and a basket to put them all in. Cale is really good at putting them together by himself.

Last weekend, we went up to visit Lexy. She's doing pretty good for Jonas. He said she tried spooking at a buggy but got over it pretty quickly when she had to walk in chest high snow drifts to get away. She hasn't tried too much on him yet. He said she doesn't like to lead from the ground (which we're aware of) so he put a different halter/lead on her and she's doing much better. He was going to hook her up to a cart/buggy this week.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blizzard Pictures

Snow drift almost as tall as Cale at the barn.

Cale on top of the snow drift. You can see where the horses have walked through it. It went up to their chests.

Outside the garage doors, about 2 ft to 3 ft tall.

Just the begining.

I didn't post any of the pictures from the blizzard yet. So, here they are.

Cale has/had the flu last night into today. When I picked him up from day care, one of the girls had just gotten sick, so I knew it was coming. I got up with him until 12:30 when Jon got home and then he took over. Cale was feeling lots better tonight!

We got to see Lexy tomorrow in Amish country. We're excited to see what they've done with her in the past 2 weeks.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monster Trucks!

A bunch of us went up to Madison last weekend to see the Monster Trucks. The kids - big and little - had a great time!

You could pay $8/person to ride in the orange/camo monster truck for 2 minutes. We decided to pass this year. Maybe next.

Our favorite truck -Chalkboard Chuck - you could write on the side and tires of this truck.

Cale and Wyatt eating cotton candy. Good idea, Jon!

The Monster Truck mascot - scared Cale senseless at first! He got over that pretty quickly though.

Chalkboard Chuck showing everyone how it's done - only his 3rd competition and he won this event.

Cale watching it all. He sat through almost the whole show!