Uncle Mike, Aunt Krisanne, and Cousin Rylee gave Cale Play Dough for Christmas. We finally decided to play with it. We had so much fun that we played right through dinner! Opps!
On top of loving Play Dough, Cale is really loving puzzles. He was sent money for Valentine's Day from Grandma & Ppa and Great Aunt Nancy, so we went shopping last night for new puzzles. The dollar store had a lot! We picked up 4 new puzzles and a basket to put them all in. Cale is really good at putting them together by himself.
Last weekend, we went up to visit Lexy. She's doing pretty good for Jonas. He said she tried spooking at a buggy but got over it pretty quickly when she had to walk in chest high snow drifts to get away. She hasn't tried too much on him yet. He said she doesn't like to lead from the ground (which we're aware of) so he put a different halter/lead on her and she's doing much better. He was going to hook her up to a cart/buggy this week.
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