Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day!

Jade, Cale, and Sydney

We did absolutly nothing for Thanksgiving. We were invited a few places and decided to stay home. We did have a few friends over in the evening for a couple of hours. Nothing special.

Jon's 40th birthday came and went. He seemed to have fun at his party. A lot of people showed up.

I'm still working a ton of hours. I'm hoping it gets better soon. All the cranky people can quit being cranky any time. It's no fun to be yelled at 20 times a day and have to put out 'fires' all day long. It's gotta get better!

Hoping to have Xmas cards out soon. I have an idea of what I want but still need to get them done.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Last week!

Cale, Grandma, and Rylee

It's been so busy again, or still! I thought things were supposed to slow down when fall arrived, but it hasn't!

Last Saturday, I took Jon to a WI Badgers football game against Indiana (early birthday gift). WI won 83-20. It was a lot of fun - even though it was cold and rainy!

Last Sunday, we did Xmas with my parents since it's time for them to be in AZ now, since it's getting colder here.

The past couple of weeks have been crazy busy for my work. I've been working a lot of overtime and even requested a laptop computer to bring home to work after Cale goes to bed. There seriously isn't enough hours in a day to get all this work done. Seneca purchased a company in PA a couple of months ago and decided it would be a good idea to put them into our computer system 3 weeks before Thanksgiving, one of the biggest, busiest holidays for food.'s been a rocky ride, to say the least. It's gotta get better, right?!?! :)

Jon's been doing some motorcycle work lately and making a little extra doing that. It's something he's good and enjoys. He's off work this next week and he says he's going to start working on the bathroom. Oh one can only hope! It'll be so nice to have a fully functional bathroom!!!

Lexy (the project horse) has been a bit challenging. Our first go around with her didn't go the greatest but we made progress. Kristie has been spending more time with her lately but we are both working with Lexy tomorrow. Still hoping to train her and sell her in the spring. She's smart, but stubborn.

And, finally, we got our pictures back from Josh. Josh is trying to start his own side business doing photography. He's doing really well with the pictures! I don't have a lot of great pictures of me and China, but now I do!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This past weekend, my brother and Krisanne were married. We went to their reception/open house out at her parent's house. It was fun, except Cale decided to fall and crack his head. He still has the goose egg and bruise as a battle scar. I don't know if the pictures will show the bruise all that well, but it's still there! Poor kid!

Beyond that, there isn't too much new with us. Hoping this good weather lasts through Saturday afternoon!! I have Jon's birthday gift planned this weekend and it does involve the outdoors - rain or shine. I haven't given him any hints yet, so please don't say anything to him! And, let's hope for sun, not rain or snow! I can deal with the cold!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween ~ 2010 ~ part 2

We took Cale out Trick-or-Treating last night with Josh, Charisse, and Wyatt. The boys did really well. Cale did most of the talking and Wyatt was just quiet and cute. Cale was Bumblebee, the Transformer Robot. Wyatt was Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon.

We went over to the Pennycook's neighborhood and hit the jackpot! There are houses over there giving out full, normal sized candy bars! We came home with at least 6. There's about 3 left I think! hahaha

Our project horse is a handful. Ugh. Stubborn and attitude! She's a spoiled rotten 3 yr old who has gotten her way by acting badly for the past 3 yrs. We now have to fix that. This winter will be interesting!