Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some new pictures

Funny faces - thanks dad! We tell him to keep his fingers OUT of his nose and now we are encouraging him to stick them in.....

I'm 2!

I love this picture with the reflection

The weather has been a bit nicer the past week or 2, minus the weekends. But, this week is supposed to be 60-70 every day and possible rain next weekend. We'll take it! I love warmer weather and tons more riding! Midwest Horse Fair is coming up in a couple of weeks. Trying to get China ready to go again. Farrier is coming out in 2 weeks for shoes. Woo hoo!

We are trying to work on the potty training again. Cale lost all his trains to bad behavior at day care last week. He now has to earn them back. Today he told me twice he wanted to try to go potty because he wanted Thomas back. I hope this keeps working!!

Jon put new pinstipes on his truck today. Red instead of silver. Looks really sharp. I'll have to get pictures of it so everyone can see.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Newest Edition

No, not pregnant. No, not another dog, cat, or horse.

Jon traded his 2 seater pick up for a nice newer SUV. This will be the last newer vehicle for him for awhile, he promised!! Jon absolutely loves his new truck. It's 2002 Toyota 4Runner.

I'm still searching for my newer vehicle. I've found a few I like but not the deals I want. I guess you could say that's my mom in me. I have a figure set in my head and I know what I want, and I'll get it too, if I wait long enough.....

Cale is doing well. The attitude from a 2 1/2 year old is very surprising some days. I've noticed it more since day care. I can't say it's Nancy's fault, but I do believe he picks up on things from the kids there. It can be very frustrating. I hate being the bad guy sending him to his naughty chair all the time. But then again, I don't want him telling me 'DON'T' 'STOP THAT' 'MINE' all the time either.