Friday, November 25, 2011


Football with the cousins.

We went to Jon's sister's yesterday for Thanksgiving. We stayed for a few hours and then came home. It was fun to see all the kids and talk to them. They all are growing up so fast!

We also went to Heidi & Jason's for dinner. It was nice to see all of them too. It was a very long day!

Jon ventured out for some Black Friday shopping this morning too. He ran to Sears and took advantage of their sales. Cale and I stayed home, sleeping.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This week

Kobe sitting up. He sits up a lot more now.

Kobe begging for treats. Sydney was over for a visit.

He tires out so easily.

Custom harness to help us help him move. He can't really move on his front legs all that well yet. Maybe a few feet at a time.


Cale is doing great at his new day care. Julie used to be a teacher and it shows. She makes sure the kids learn something new every week. He's worked on the sound of letter G, D, and E so far. His projects from her house a great too! He still goes to P4J and he loves it there too. He learns a lot there and brings home great projects.

Cale is learning to talk back a little more too. It's kind of annoying. Why? Why not? Maybe later? Maybe tomorrow? Always asking questions if we tell him no or not now.

Kobe is doing pretty good too. His pneumonia is gone. He's feeling a lot better too! He's starting to act more like Kobe. He's trying to move more on his own, which is good and bad. He's not supposed to move too much until we have surgery on his wrist, but at the same time, he's supposed to figure all this out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Bed time stories. Kobe wanted a story read too.

And this is the reason why we're doing all this....

Trooper - Kristie's new barn cat. Or kitten. He's so cute!!

China and Tessa last weekend. We had to help catch a horse that got out of its fence. We tied our girls to the trees while we put the horse back in his pen.

Roxy and Willow. Willow is starting to fill out in her chest and put weight on all over.


Cale has been fighting off a bad cold and we believe the flu too. Hopefully he's on the mend now...

Cale is still enjoying school and tells us of all the fun things they do and also all friends he's making. I think he has a new 'best friend' every other day.

We did switch day cares again. Stephanie is going back to school and we found Julie. I think Julie is a good fit for us. She's got 4 kids of her own. Her oldest is in high school and the youngest is a year older than Cale. He likes it there. She teaches them things on top of the things they learn at school. We really like her.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Sorry for the lapse in blogging. It's been hectic around our house ever since Kobe's accident. Nightly trips to Middleton to visit him for over 2 weeks is very time consuming.

Kobe is now home. He goes to our vet in Janesville for daily bandage changes for now. On the weekends, we have to take him up to Madison for changes. Unfortunately, the big guy has pneumonia now. He was diagnosed on Tuesday with it. His antibiotic was changed so we're hoping he starts feeling better soon.

We're still running the fundraiser too. Plus, we're trying to get organized for a rummage sale next weekend. All sales go to his vet bills. And, we're hoping the Badger Animal Fund will assist in some way with part of his bills. It'll be a few weeks before we hear from them.

It's a huge adjustment having Kobe home, but I think it's working out well. We get to spend so much more time with him and he gets to rest quietly now. He seems happy to be home.

Cale - he was a cheeseburger for Halloween. He got a pumpkin full of candy. We made sure he had fun and got to be a kid for one night! We're trying to play with him more and spend more time with just him now that Kobe is home. It's been slightly unfair to Cale with all the changes, but he's been so good about it all!